ACI Branding office

London, UK

Intensive VIP Day

This comprehensive, structured yet empowering program will provide you with valuable insights and actionable strategies to elevate your brand. Each module will be interactive, allowing for discussions, exercises, and practical applications. Scheduled breaks and a creative brainstorming session during lunch will ensure a positive and productive experience. You will leave feeling inspired, empowered, and equipped to take your brand to new heights.



Rise and shine, it's a brand new day to unleash your brilliance. Embrace your journey with enthusiasm and purpose.

buyer persona workshop with Andrea Callahan


A Brand of Distinction: Your Buyer Persona and Brand Guide

Define your ideal buyer persona and create a comprehensive brand guide to ensure consistency and distinction in your branding.

Take a break with a cup of herbal tea


Morning Break - Calming Exercise

Rejuvenate Your Creativity: Take a moment to relax, recharge, and refocus your creative energy. Breathe in fresh inspiration for the next part of our journey.

Branded storytelling to attract your ideal Buyer


Branded Story Boards: Sharing Your Stories

Discover the power of storytelling in branding and create compelling brand narratives that resonate with your audience.

Branded touch-points to engage your ideal Buyer


Purposeful Engagement: Customer Touch-Points

Learn how to create meaningful touchpoints with your customers at every stage of their journey, enhancing their connection with your brand.

Working Lunch Agenda

Nourish your body and mind, for they are the fuel for your dreams. Let your working lunch be a feast of ideas and possibilities.

Lunch and dream with Andrea Callahan


Creative Brainstorm (Dream Business)

Lunch & Dream: Enjoy a working lunch while we dive deeper into branding strategies. Nourish your body and mind as we discuss your dream business over a delicious meal. (If the session is in person, lunch is on me!)

PM Agenda

In the afternoon's golden light, your brand's potential shines brightest. Stay focused, stay inspired, and make every moment count.

Plan and review digital footprint for effective marketing campaigns


The Core Digital Gateway: Your Online Footprint

Learn how to establish a strong online presence and leverage digital channels to enhance your brand's visibility.

Effective brand messaging on social


Social Community: Purposeful Engagement

Explore strategies for engaging with your audience on social media platforms, creating meaningful connections, and fostering a loyal community.

Dream big


Afternoon Break (Refocus Exercise)

Mindful Pause: Step away from the hustle and bustle to reflect on your progress. Use this time to visualize your brand's future success and envision your path to achieving it. Grab a cup of coffee or herbal tea and take a few deep breaths.

Content engagement with purposeful call to action


Creative Targeted Call-to-Actions: Action Prompts

Develop effective call-to-action strategies that prompt your audience to take desired actions and engage with your brand.

creating customer experiences to attract your ideal buyer


24/7/365 Customer Experiences: Passive Systems on Autopilot

Implement automated systems and processes to deliver exceptional customer experiences round the clock.

healthy snack


Afternoon Break (Energy Exercise)

Energize for Success: Replenish your energy with a short break. Use this time to stretch, grab a healthy snack, and prepare for one final empowered action and accomplishment.

attracting the right customers to your why


Be Found. Be Seen. First.: Under the Hood

Gain insights into targeted SEO, keywords, hashtags, and behind-the-scenes strategies to ensure your brand is easily discoverable and stands out in search results.

Unlock Your Brand's Potential

The 8-Point Marketing VIP Day!

Don't miss this exclusive opportunity to elevate your brand and boost your revenue. Reserve Your Day Now!

Limited time only!

Busy schedule & can't make it for the full day? 

Invest Your Way

Empower Your Brand, Transform Your Business: Register for 8 Point Marketing VIP Day Today!

Payment Plan

One-Time Payment

Two-Payment Plan


2 Payments @ $1600

transformative journey for yourself, your business, and your brand; all because you are worthy of joy and success.

Coaching Questionnaire: Provide valuable insights and information about goals, challenges, and expectations, to help tailor VIP Day to your specific needs and maximize its effectiveness.
Personalized Brand Audit: a thorough & honest evaluation of current brand status
Jumpstart Conference: 60-minute onboarding call to help us maximize VIP day
1-Day Intensive VIP Day: A whole day dedicated and focused on you and your brand!
Ongoing Support: 2-week progress conference; 3-month follow-up session
DIY Templates: Access to templates, forms, and sheets for your brand growth
1. Buyer Persona Worksheet: Develop your target market and identify your ideal buyer
2.Social Media Holiday Calendar: A list of holidays and special days as inspiration for content
3.Social Media Audit TemplateEvaluate your social's performance & identity SWOT
4.Social Media Strategy Template: Create a plan of action from your SWOT analysis
5.Social Media Content Calendar: Plan promo and sales campaigns with year's worth of ideas
6.Social Media Prompts: Get access to 1,000+ cues to create more content in less time
7. Marketing Calendar: Plan and organize all of your marketing efforts in one place 
8.Communication Plan: Identify target audience identification, message development, channel selection, content creation, budgeting, measurement, and ongoing optimization.
9.Editorial Calendar: Plan and implement campaigns across all multiple marketing channels
10.Creative Brief: Develop well-organized marketing campaigns and business projects
Bonus 1: 100+ Creative Instagram and Facebook stories templates
Bonus 2: 100+ Creative Instagram and Facebook posts templates

Most Popular

One Payment Plan


20% Savings on One-Time Payment

Unlock Your Brand's Potential: Join the 8-Point Marketing VIP Day!

Coaching Questionnaire: Provide valuable insights and information about goals, challenges, and expectations, to help tailor VIP Day to your specific needs and maximize its effectiveness.
Personalized Brand Audit: a thorough & honest evaluation of current brand status
Jumpstart Conference: 60-minute onboarding call to help us maximize VIP day
1-Day Intensive VIP Day: A whole day dedicated and focused on you and your brand!
Ongoing Support: 2-week progress conference; 3-month follow-up session
DIY Templates: Access to templates, forms, and sheets for your brand growth
1. Buyer Persona Worksheet: Develop your target market and identify your ideal buyer
2.Social Media Holiday Calendar: A list of holidays and special days as inspiration for content
3.Social Media Audit TemplateEvaluate your social's performance & identity SWOT
4.Social Media Strategy Template: Create a plan of action from your SWOT analysis
5.Social Media Content Calendar: Plan promo and sales campaigns with year's worth of ideas
6.Social Media Prompts: Get access to 1,000+ cues to create more content in less time
7. Marketing Calendar: Plan and organize all of your marketing efforts in one place 
8.Communication Plan: Identify target audience identification, message development, channel selection, content creation, budgeting, measurement, and ongoing optimization.
9.Editorial Calendar: Plan and implement campaigns across all multiple marketing channels
10.Creative Brief: Develop well-organized marketing campaigns and business projects
Bonus 1: 100+ Creative Instagram and Facebook stories templates
Bonus 2: 100+ Creative Instagram and Facebook posts templates

100% Money Back Guarantee
Offering a guarantee gives people peace of mind that purchase is secure and risk free. Removing doubts and objections from prospect will help to increase your conversions.

Busy schedule & can't make it for a full day? 

This information is not presented by a medical practitioner and is for educational and informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician, therapist, or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding any type of mental or physical concerns. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read. or heard from a non-licensed professional. Your health and wellness are critically important. Please practice self-love and get the care you need to live your best life.🦋 In addition, please note that while we strive to provide valuable insights and strategies through our programs, we do not guarantee specific financial outcomes. Individual results may vary based on personal effort, circumstances, and external factors. Our goal is to equip you with tools and knowledge for personal,  professional, and brand development.  Here's to your health, joy, and prosperity. 🥂

Brand Management

Empower your brand with your story; Evolve your business with our strategy; Transform your passion into brand equity. Today.

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Get Found or Get Lost: The Untold Power of Online Directories for Local Legends

Get Found or Get Lost: The Untold Power of Online Directories for Local Legends


Your brand is the roadmap to your buyer's mind, heart, & soul. Be brilliant from the inside out. 


©2009-2024  All Rights Reserved. ACI Branding, Inc.  Empower Your Influence: Brand Your WHY  929-92-BRAND (27263)

ACI Branding office


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ACI Branding office


Join our 8-Point Marketing Intensive VIP Day and supercharge your brand, revenue, and business success today!

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We process your personal data as stated in our Privacy Policy. You may withdraw your consent at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link at the bottom of any of our emails.



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